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The Chosen W Book 2 edition by Alexandra Swann Joyce Swann Religion Spirituality eBooks

Download As PDF : The Chosen W Book 2 edition by Alexandra Swann Joyce Swann Religion Spirituality eBooks

Download PDF The Chosen W Book 2  edition by Alexandra Swann Joyce Swann Religion  Spirituality eBooks

In this compelling sequel to "The Planner", Homeland Security is using the National Defense Authorization Act to incarcerate tens of thousands of Americans in secret government prisons where they are never heard from again.

Michael Linton and Jeff Conners call attention to these abuses by setting up The Wall, a website which publishes the names of all those who have vanished. Soon, federal agents dub The Wall the greatest act of terrorism in U.S. history and arrest Michael and Jeff as domestic terrorists.

Michael’s wife Kris and her brother Keith know the time has now come for them to stand up for the Constitution and fight for the laws of their country.

The Chosen W Book 2 edition by Alexandra Swann Joyce Swann Religion Spirituality eBooks

A few years in the future we're all up a creek without a paddle...or a boat.

This is a sequel to The Planner and even though I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 I give it my highest recommendation. This book is slightly slower than the first. The first book is one of the most genuinely frightening books I've ever read. Here we continue the story and telling it requires a little more detail and explanatory conversation. This means the book's flow isn't quite as fast paced or smooth as the first but it's still excellent.

I'm in a bit of a spot as I don't want to use spoilers, the story really should be read from first to last to get the fullest out of it. But I will say that the story follows logical lines and holds the interest.

I was less interested in the interpersonal relationships in the book but I suspect that part of the book will be the favorite of some readers...something for everybody then.

I'm not going to go into the ideas behind this book except to say that they are not far fetched. The plot uses existing legislation to build it's story and it's horror. I hope readers take this seriously, I really do.

Martin Niemöller a pastor in Hitler's Germany said:

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me."

Product details

  • File Size 527 KB
  • Print Length 277 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Frontier 2000 Media Group (September 21, 2012)
  • Publication Date September 21, 2012
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B009FEV6K0

Read The Chosen W Book 2  edition by Alexandra Swann Joyce Swann Religion  Spirituality eBooks

Tags : The Chosen (W Book 2) - Kindle edition by Alexandra Swann, Joyce Swann. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Chosen (W Book 2).,ebook,Alexandra Swann, Joyce Swann,The Chosen (W Book 2),Frontier 2000 Media Group,Fiction Christian Suspense,Fiction Dystopian
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The Chosen W Book 2 edition by Alexandra Swann Joyce Swann Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

The second book is extremely religious with Bible (mostly Jewish) story as the foundation, beginning & ending. As in The Chosen of Israel, these characters are also the modern version of the same Bible story.

For those with a serious religious bent, especially Christian, the extreme religious beliefs may not be a problem, but for those of differing views, it's a bit like having bad medicine forced down the throat when one is not ill. The other reviews did not mention this aspect so I'm starting my review with these details for those who won't enjoy such a story.

The 1st book was a 5-star, horrifyingly real & fact based novel I raced through, despite the occasional religious developments but this sequel was a different read completely & in fact I almost returned it to .

The characters & story are more difficult to get lost in or enjoy. The two sides (gov't vs extreme religious freedom fighters) are equally crazy in thoughts, words & actions in this novel & so are less relatable or sympathetic. They are God's Chosen to save us from ourselves. Arrogance about being The One & the only answers being God saving us, disconcerts me greatly.

The politics I mostly agree with, what is happening in gov't worldwide & the learned helplessness (my term for our societies hopeless inaction) of our people who think giving up freedom to be taken care of by the uncaring, corrupt & greedy gov't, who then takes control & forces people to give up every liberty, every personal belief & individual choice, is a bargain that leads to death & obliteration.

Soon The Chosen expose these truths, at risk of torture & execution by unaccountable, unconstitutional gov't in NDAA authorized US citizen concentration camps complete with extermination & mass graves, the people no longer believe the truth until a hacker forces it in their face infiltrating personal computers. Suddenly the people start recognizing neighbors, friends & family who had disappeared (into these camps or worse, labeled as terrorists simply because they refused to conform or give up their rights), beginning to wake up to what is going on, feeling hopeful but frightened to speak out or be labeled a terrorist themselves.

The Chosen characters, so few in number that the reader wonders how they seem to avoid the same consequences as people doing much less to attract arrest & seizure, pray for God to intervene, & struggle with their faith in same, but the ending is so ridiculously unreal (too easy in a world where disappearing & executing citizens is business as usual for the Admin) & involves miracles from God to save our country.

I'm conflicted about this 2 book set, if I could do it over knowing how the story develops into fanatical fundamentalist extremes, at the expense of credibility, sympathy & relating to characters, or continued interest in the story, would I buy & read these 2 novels? I would not buy them again given that choice, but I'm still undecided as to whether I'd read them. Leaning towards no, mainly because this 2nd novel went too far over the line for me personally.

I still give this 2nd novel 3 stars for its ambitious attempt to solve one of the scariest issues going on not just nationally but globally. If the religious elements hadn't interfered (impossible considering the entire book is built upon same), I'd have enjoyed it considerably more. I truly wanted to like this second novel, especially after the incredible 1st novel, but could not go higher than a three.
It's been a couple of years that Kris Mitchell and her brother Keith have been on the run ever since Kris escaped from her government job as a Senior Planner for senior citizen housing. Now she's back in Phoenix trying to find someone who might be of help to her. Her husband and brother-in-law have been arrested and imprisoned indefinitely as terrorists under a federal law that does not require them to be charged or tried. They can even be executed without due process. The Constitution is being ignored and many are disappearing all over the country. How can this be stopped and freedom restored?

I was looking forward to this sequel since I had enjoyed The Planner very much. The main characters and many elements of the plot in this book are the same as the previous book, but the tone of the story itself has changed. While the first book could easily be classified as a political thriller or speculative fiction, the sequel might be better classified as Christian fiction with elements of a political thriller. While I read quite a lot of political and other types of thrillers, I avoid books with a religious slant since I don't care to read books with religious themes as my entertainment.

The political thriller portions of the book build naturally from the scenarios presented in The Planner, with the federal government overstepping Constitutional boundaries both in the name of the War on Terror and in their social engineering. The first book was built around the social planning horrors, and this one concentrates on the anti-terrorism actions taken by an out-of-control executive branch. There are some good scenes with a constitutional attorney with explanations of specific safeguards against the types of arrests and imprisonment that contradict the letter and spirit of the highest law of the United States. The constitutional crisis part of the story would have been sufficient to build the book around without bringing in the religion aspect that was not noticeable in the previous book.

There are some problems with the book beyond the religious soapbox that is brought out repeatedly. Practical problems with how the main characters are supporting themselves, how they have electricity and internet connections in an abandoned house out in the middle of nowhere, and how they always seem to have enough cash to buy a house, food, gasoline, and other necessities are all ignored by the authors without even an attempt to explain any of it.

I also did not agree with the way the authors chose to wrap up the story. Instead of following through with the aftermath of the court's decision, they decided to jump ahead several decades and have the characters' children do retrospective speeches about what happened to their parents. After following these characters and the buildup of the story, I wanted to read about the actual events and fallout. What happened to the president and his staff? How did Congress react to the ruling? How did society react? Did anything change about the premise of the original book and the social engineering and property grabs?

In spite of the problems, I'm giving this four stars based only on the political thriller portions of the book. Recommended for readers of The Planner looking for a continuation of the story. If you have not yet read The Planner, read that first then decide if you want to read more about those characters and version of the country that continue in this book.
A few years in the future we're all up a creek without a paddle...or a boat.

This is a sequel to The Planner and even though I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 I give it my highest recommendation. This book is slightly slower than the first. The first book is one of the most genuinely frightening books I've ever read. Here we continue the story and telling it requires a little more detail and explanatory conversation. This means the book's flow isn't quite as fast paced or smooth as the first but it's still excellent.

I'm in a bit of a spot as I don't want to use spoilers, the story really should be read from first to last to get the fullest out of it. But I will say that the story follows logical lines and holds the interest.

I was less interested in the interpersonal relationships in the book but I suspect that part of the book will be the favorite of some readers...something for everybody then.

I'm not going to go into the ideas behind this book except to say that they are not far fetched. The plot uses existing legislation to build it's story and it's horror. I hope readers take this seriously, I really do.

Martin Niemöller a pastor in Hitler's Germany said

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me."
Ebook PDF The Chosen W Book 2  edition by Alexandra Swann Joyce Swann Religion  Spirituality eBooks

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